Personal Hosting Order Form

We need a few pieces of information from you before we can create your account.

Fields marked with a are mandatory, the rest will help us run your site smoothly.

Your full name

Your full name, as you would use in legal matters.

Domain name

The domain name you wish to host the site under. If you already own a domain name, fill it in here.

Domain name registration & renewal prices can be found on our domain name page.

Contact e-mail address

Please enter a valid e-mail address twice.
We will use this e-mail address to send you your account details, invoices and any password reminders, so please let us know if it changes.

Your postal address

Although not mandatory, we will need this if you want to buy a domain name through us.

Hosting plan

Personal Hosting


£36 per year  (£3.00 x 12)

Other information

Anything else you want included in your hosting, or want to ask us about the hosting.
If you want us to contact you to confirm anything, before we create your account, please say so here.

You must read and agree to our terms & conditions before you can open an account.